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SHAF Workday Recap, October 19, 2024
SHAF is delighted to have completed another successful Work Day. We had a turnout of about 20 people, including 6 students from the Boonsboro High School Rho Kappa Honor Society. (We would have more, but we were competing with Homecoming weekend.) Under the direction of the National Park Service, we cut out an invasive shrub in the East Woods. We
SHAF 2024 Annual Meeting
Posted on April 5, 2024 by Kevin PawlakSHAF is pleased to announce our 2024 Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 20. We will meet at 12:30 p.m. at the Boonsboro branch of the Washington County Free Library in the public meeting room. The library is located on MD Rt. 34, just on the west edge of Boonsboro.
2024 Annual Meeting Reminder
2024 Annual Meeting Reminder Reminder – SHAF Annual Membership meeting Saturday, April 20, 12:30 p.m. Boonsboro Branch of the Washington County Free Library We will have updates on SHAF activities, financial reports, elections and a speaker, Steve Stotelmyer, who will talk about his new book, From Frederick to Sharpsburg: People, Places, and Events of the Maryland Campaign before Antietam, which will
SHAF acquires historic signal station site
Posted on November 10, 2000 by Kevin Pawlak The Save Historic Antietam Foundation, Inc. (SHAF) announced today that it will acquire eight (8) acres south of Sharpsburg that includes the site of a famous Union signal station in an area adjacent to Union General George B. McClellan’s headquarters. The property is significant because photographer Alexander Gardner produced some of his most famous photographs
SHAF Eyes Purchase of Potomac Ford Near Shepherdstown
Posted on February 1, 2006 by Kevin Pawlak One of the oldest battlefield-preservation organizations is setting its sights on purchase of a significant piece of battlefield land on the banks of the Potomac River. Save Historic Antietam Foundation (SHAF) hopes to purchase 13 acres on the West Virginia side of Shepherdstown Ford, a mile and a half downstream from Shepherdstown. Here on Sept.
SHAF Wins State Grant for Tolson’s Chapel
The Maryland Historical Trust anounced a grant to the Save Historic Antietam Foundation (SHAF) of $50,000 in FY2007 for “carpentry and masonry repairs to foundation, sills, floors & supports, roof repairs and installation of cupola” on Tolson’s Chapel in Sharpsburg. Tolson’s was used as a free school immediately after the Civil War, educating the town’s African-American children. It is one of very

SHAF 2023 Spring Work Day
The next SHAF Work Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2023. Meet at the grass overflow parking lot at the Antietam Visitor Center at 9:00 a.m. Bring water, gloves, hand tools (no chain saws), and dress for the weather. In case of bad weather, we will postpone. Watch our Facebook page and website, www.shaf.org for a postponement notice. We will work
Reminder! 2023 Annual SHAF Meeting
Reminder! SHAF Annual Meeting The SHAF Annual Membership Meeting is this Saturday April 1st, (no fooling!) starting at 10:00 am at the Mumma Barn on Antietam National Battlefield. Parking on the grass around the barn is available. After the meeting we will conduct a tour of the War Wounds house for those interested, although we may need to divide into
John Banks to Speak at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine
Join Civil War author and adventurer John Banks at 2pm on April 16th at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine for “Faces of Antietam” as he provides snapshots of some of the men and women who witnessed the bloodiest day in American history and its aftermath. He also will spotlight a local historian as well as a man whose