Preserve Antietam


Become A Member

SHAF’s membership consists of concerned citizens from throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

We represent all political, social, and educational backgrounds. SHAF is a federal tax-exempt 501-C3 organization, so all donations to SHAF are deductible. Membership dues fund SHAF’s preservation efforts for the Antietam Battlefield and cover the member newsletters.

Levels of Membership:

  • Contributor: up to $25
  • Defender: $26 to $100
  • Protector: over $100

To become a member, complete the MEMBERSHIP FORM below.

Alternatively, you may mail a physical copy of the form, along with your check to:
Save Historic Antietam Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 550,
Sharpsburg, Maryland 21782

Membership Form

Thank you for joining us.

Levels of Membership: Contributor: up to $25 | Defender: $26 to $100 | Protector: over $100

Thank you!

Submit your membership dues to complete your registration

Setup online payments

  1. Click the Pay Online button Below
  2. Select “Ongoing”
  3. Select “Annually” under the Give dropdown
  4. Select donation amount
    1. Contributor: up to $25
    2. Defender: $26 to $100
    3. Protector: over $100
  5. Direct your donation to “Other,” then specify “Save Historic Antietam Foundation” as the donation recipient.
  6. Enter your personal and payment information.
    Click “Make Donation.”