Approximately 30 members and supporters of the Save Historic Antietam Foundation gathered at the historic Avey farm on the southeast side of Sharpsburg for SHAF’s annual spring work day. Participants in the work day cleared vegetation and invasive species away from the historic structures to restore the landscape to its 1862 appearance.
At the beginning of the work day, Antietam Battlefield Guide and author Jim Rosebrock shared a brief battle history of the property with our volunteers.
SHAF partnered with the American Battlefield Trust, who owns the battlefield land, for this year’s spring work day. Thanks to all those who supported SHAF today!

For many years SHAF has marked the sites of Headquarters and Hospitals related to the Maryland Campaign of 1862. Of course we do this only with the property owners’ permission, and at no cost to them. We also put ” private property” on the signs to protect the privacy of the residents
This farm belonged to Jacob Funk Miller, brother of David R. Miller, the owner of the famous Cornfield on Antietam Battlefield. Soldiers of the Ninth Corps were treated in the barn and Gen. Burnside used the house as his headquarters. The current owners are very happy to display these signs to illustrate the historical importance of their farm. If you, or someone you know, own a property that is connected to the Maryland Campaign, and would like a sign, please let us know.

SHAF’s semi-annual Work Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 16, (weather permitting, cancellation will be posted on our website & FB page), starting at 9:00 a.m. We will be clearing brush and small trees on the Avey farm, 124 East High St. Sharpsburg, MD. Please wear appropriate work clothing, and bring work gloves, and hand tools such as hand saws, pruners, etc. We will have a power chipper on site, so having some ear protection is a good idea too. The property is owned by the American Battlefield Trust and we will need to sign liability waivers before working. We will work until early or mid-afternoon, and you may leave whenever you choose. Some of the Rho Kappa Social Sciences Honor Society may join us, and I can sign forms for those needing volunteer hours for graduation requirements. It is a good idea to bring water or other soft drinks, and Burkholder’s Bakery is just a short distance away for anyone caving baked goodies.
We look forward to seeing you there. Call 301-331-3877 for further information.