The Jacob Rohrbach Inn’s raffle at its annual Civil War Lecture Series raised $605 for the Save Historic Antietam Foundation. Thanks to the Jacob Rohrbach Inn for their generous donation and their efforts to educate the public about Antietam’s history through their lecture series. Next time you are in Sharpsburg, consider staying at the Jacob Rohrbach Inn.


Our Fall Work Day will take place on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, at the Reel farm (opposite the main entrance to the battlefield). We will be clearing small trees and brush along the eastern border of the property, along Rt. 65. We will be using hand tools ONLY and stacking up the small trees and brush to be disposed of later in the fall. There will also be some wire fences to remove, and tools for that will be provided. We will start at 9:00 a.m. and work until early afternoon. The rain date is Saturday, Nov. 12.
Please bring water, gloves, hand pruners, and/or saws, no chain saws please. Dress for the weather, of course. We will postpone if steady rain for the day is predicted within 24 hours before Saturday morning. Please watch our Facebook page and/or website, for notices. Please park in the designated grass field opposite the temporary Visitor Center, a sign will be posted.