Battlefield Work Day, November First, 2008

Please join SHAF members and other volunteers for the Work Day at Antietam National Battlefield (ANB) Park on Saturday, November 1, 2008. We’ll be doing battlefield scene restoration work. Piper Barn, […]

Work Day 2008

Please join SHAF members and other volunteers for the annual Work Day at Antietam National Battlefield Park on Saturday April 12, 2008. We’ll be doing scene restoration work. Roulette Farm (Park […]

Save the dates

Mark your calendar, and plan now to attend the Sharpsburg Heritage Festival, scheduled for September 13 and 14, 2008 (the Battle Anniversary weekend), and the next SHAF Workday on the battlefield, Saturday, November […]

Sunken Road action in 55mm

Gordon: Before the rear lines could recover, my exultant men were on their feet, devouring them with successive volleys. (Murfin, The Gleam of Bayonets, 1965; photo M. Gentile) For a unique […]